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Natural and Versatile: Wooden panels

Wood is versatile, beautiful, and unique: visually it has the capability to enhance everything, from stone to metal. This is not to say wood cannot be incredible on its own, in fact, it is often the case that wood is best on its own.

Wooden panels are one way to create a particular kind of atmosphere in your home or in a public space. Said atmosphere depends on the kind, colour and amount of wood used. For example, you can create a sharp contrast with other elements in a space if you use dark wood against otherwise light décor. There are definite aesthetic factors that appeal to a lot of customers and with so many product options, anyone can find the right one for themselves.

Eco-sound wooden panels are an example of aesthetic value combined with practicality. Certain rooms have rather poor acoustics. People can be adversely impacted by noise: it can be distracting and uncomfortable. Reverberation encompasses the reflected sounds that linger within a space; excessive reverberation, to put it simply, blends sounds and listening to speakers becomes more difficult. Some people decide to add soft furnishings into a space to reduce echoes, but this is arguably unnecessary usage of available space. Lignosi offers wooden acoustic panels that provide a solution to sound related issues, while still offering the unique aesthetic appeal of wood.

When you are searching for wooden panels online you may be thinking:

What if I order the wrong colour?

Companies such as Lignosi have sample packs that you can order, so that you can see the products in person before ordering them to scale. The entire range of products is available, and it is easier to select the right one when you have seen a physical sample. Besides a visual examination, you can also feel the natural textures.

What if the products are low quality?

Say you have not ordered a sample pack to investigate your options, how can you then trust in the quality of the products? Lignosi manufactures their products in the EU, which means they have to comply with high EU quality standards. If you have any questions or issues with regard to the wooden panels, you can contact the business.

What if these products are unsustainable?

We want to make ethical choices as consumers, given the current state of our planet. Lignosi utilises a production process that aims to reduce its impact on the environment: all products use sustainable or recycle materials.

How difficult is installation?

Installation of wooden panels does not have to be a complicated ordeal. Lignosi’s customers will receive products that are prefabricated so that they can be mounted directly onto walls or on battens. If any issues arise, which is unlikely, there are always professionals that can assist you.

A lot of questions run through our minds when we are looking to purchase something new, but in the end, the question that matters the most is: do I want this product?

What’s the best floor to put over underfloor heating?

Let’s take a quick look at the different kinds of underfloor heating. You can opt for either hot water pipes or an electrical system. If you’re building an extension, a new build or prepared to undertake major renovations, a hot water system is a solid option. It’s easy enough to set up with solar water heating or other low cost water heating systems to guarantee you warm floors all year round. If you’re working with an existing room and have neither the time, resources nor the space for pipes, an electric system is a better option. It is cheaper in the short term, though could be more expensive over time. Either way you’ll need to have a floating floor surface over the heating system.

The best material may not be what you expect

It’s easy to assume that with heating a floor, you’d want a material on top that would conduct the heat rapidly to your feet and out into the room. Metal is probably out, not just for its lack of comfort as a material but also because it probably conducts the heat too efficiently, so many of us will first think of tiles over underfloor heating. This is because many early adopters of underfloor systems put them into their bathrooms. It is, of course, a good option for areas that will get wet, but it is far from the most efficient floor covering.

What is?

A hardwood parquet floor. Without heating, a hardwood floor will be almost as warm underfoot as a carpet: it’s a good insulator. That means when you have underfloor heating, it may take a little longer for the floor to warm up but when it does, it will lose less of the heat and be more efficient than the tiled floor we’ve looked at above.


Renovations to your liking

Renovation can be defined as improving or fixing a broken or outdated structure. You may be looking to change something about your home, either within or without. Everything does not have to change for things to get better; you can simply make the necessary or wanted alterations.

Basic renovations included checking plumbing, the roof and the flooring. Adding to aesthetic appeal by maintaining the lawn or a fresh coat of paint count as renovation as well.